Walking In The Light Of Truth

הספד לרה”ג יעקב פרץ זצוק”ל

Eulogies, Memories, Stories, and Practices from the Students of Our Great Teacher and Rabbi Morenu HaRav Yaakov Peretz zt”l

After much effort, we have merited the privilege of bringing this book to light. Rich in substance, it is filled with heartfelt eulogies, cherished memories, inspiring deeds, and profound teachings composed by the honorable students of our great teacher, Morenu HaRav Yaakov Peretz zt”l. It is particularly dedicated to the members of Shiviti and to all our English-speaking students across the globe who continue to live by the Torah and path illuminated by Morenu HaRav zt”l.

Morenu HaRav zt”l was renowned for his expansive spirit, a soul that embraced students from all walks of life and from every corner of the world. He drew close to him people from every spectrum of Judaism. Each student, in their own way, received from our teacher a truth that spoke directly to the core of their soul, as you will witness in the pages of this book. This collaborative work is a testament to the unity of our teacher’s disciples. Though their views may not always align, they are bound together by the same Torah of truth they inherited from him, conducting themselves with the respect and genuine love that he exemplified and instilled in us during his lifetime.

From the introduction by Rabbi Yonatan Halevy

Featuring contributions from:
Rabbi Yitzchak Abitbol
Rabbi David Benchlouch
Rabbi Jonathan Goldschmidt
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy
Rabbi Levi Morrow
Rabbi Rachamim Ohavim
Rabbi Dr. Idan Perez
Rabbi Ari Ze’ev Schwartz
Rabbi Yosef Zarnighian
Rabbanit Dr. Devorah Halevy

Purchase the book here: https://a.co/d/3pnh0sc
